Area of Interest
- Diabetes & Lifestyle disease

Additional Responsibilities
Member, Case Sheet Audit Committee
Member, Institutional Research Committee

Achievements, Memberships, Awards
- Present Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow – Fellow
- American College of Physicians-Member
- All India Association for Advanced Research in Obesity (AIAAR -Life & Founder member
- Present Indian medical Association (IMA)- Life member
- Association of Physicians of India (API)- Life member
- Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI)-Life member
- Trivandrum Physicians Club - Member
- Kerala Chapter of Association of Physicians of India – Life member
- Editorial Board member, Research in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorder
- Editorial Board Member, EC Clinical and Experimental Anatomy
- Editorial Board Member, EC Diabetes and Metabolic Research
- Editorial Board Member, Global Research in Medical Sciences
- Reviewer, International Journal of Biomedical Sciences
- Reviewer, International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Title |
Journal / Book |
Publication details (Year, Volume, Page No. etc.) |
Authorship 1st / 2nd / Other |
State /Reg / Nat / Int |
Indexed in |
Postprandial hypertriglyceridaemia in Type 2 Diabetic subjects |
International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. |
vol26.Issue 4,160-162,2006 |
1 st |
International |
Pub med |
Familial esophageal achalasia in mother and son |
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. |
Vol.1 (2), 142-144, 2013 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Correlation between elevated serum ferritin and HbA1c in type 2 diabetes mellitus |
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences . |
Vol. 1(1), 12-15, 2013 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Rheumatological manifestations of type 2 diabetes and its relationship to glycemic control and duration of diabetes |
Sahel Medical Journal. |
Vol.17 (1), 12-14, 2014 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Cartap hydrochloride poisoning: A case report. |
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences |
Vol.2 (1), 360-361.2014 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Isolated bilateral brachial plexopathy in type 2 diabetes. |
Academic Medical Journal of India. |
Vol.2 (2), 73, 2014 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Relationship of rheumatoid factor positivity to prevalence of joint manifestations in diabetes which are unrelated to rheumatoid arthritis. |
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. |
Vol.2 (2), 489-492, 2014 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in obese subjects in south Kerala |
International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research. |
Vol.1 (1), 47-51, 2014. |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in diabetic peripheral neuropathy and its relationship to glycemic control and duration of diabetes |
Global Research in Medical Sciences. |
Vol.1 (1), 12-14, 2014Â |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Association between Bone mineral density and type 2 diabetes |
British Journal of Research. |
Vol.1 (2), 63-67, 2014. |
1st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Myriad causes of hemolysis: A case series. |
International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research |
Vol.1 (1), 29-33, 2014 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Ventilatory function in type 2 diabetes and its relationship to Disease duration and long term and short term glycemic control |
International Journal of Advanced Research and Review |
Vol.2 (1), 27-31, 2017 |
2nd |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Prognostic significance of diabetes in dengue fever with polyserositis |
International Journal of Advanced Research and Review. |
Vol.2 (1), 78-80, 2017 |
1 st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Incidence of Citrobacter Urinary Tract Infection in type 2 diabetes and its relationship to glycemic control |
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. |
Vol.4 (1), 60-62, 2017 |
2nd |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Prevalence of Obesity in Diabetic Subjects in South Kerala |
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. |
Vol.4 (1), 63-64, 2017 |
2nd |
International |
Index copernicus, |
A Case of Painless Pancreatitis. |
Journal of Association of Physicians of India. |
Vol.65, 2017 |
Other |
National |
Pub med |
Efficacy of intracuff Dexamethasone in reducing the incidence of post operative sore throat. |
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. |
Vol.7 (5) 1665-1669.May 2019 |
2nd |
International |
Index copernicus, |
Hyperglycemic hemianopia as a stroke mimic in hyperosmolar non ketotic state in type 2 Diabetes |
Recent Research in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorder |
1(1), 7-9. 2019 |
1st |
International |
Index copernicus, |
A Rare Case of Pneumothorax. Poster Presentation Respiratory Diseases |
Journal of Association of Physicians of India. |
Vol.65,2017 |
Other |
National |
Pub med |
Guillian barre syndromevariants presenting as acute descending paralysis in diabetes
Recent Research in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorder
index copernicus
Reversibility of diabetes :challanges ahead
EC diabetes and metabolic research journal
Volume 4 issue 2 February 2020
index copernicus


Research Projects
Project |
Completed / Ongoing |
Funded Y / N |
Collaborated Y / N |
Published Y / N |
Lipid profile of patients with ischemic and hemmorhagic stroke and it s correlation with immediate treatment outcome |
Ongoing |
N |
N |
N |
Relationship of carotid intima media thickness to altered lipid profile and altered glucose in acute stroke |
Ongoing |
N |
N |
N |
Association of serum uric acid and lipid profile in diabetic retinopathy |
Ongoing |
N |
N |
N |
Prognostic significance of serum ferritin in acute stroke :prospective study |
Completed |
N |
N |
N |
Hypomagnesemia in type 2 DM and its association with glycemic status and microvascular complication |
Completed |
N |
N |
N |
Prognostic significance of ECG in relation to aVR among STEMI patients |
Completed |
N |
NN |
N |